Friday, January 2, 2009

Chic and Shuk celebrate new years too (:

I spent the first day of 09 with my bitches! i had to cut shave suki's hair, and this is how it turned out...

from hairy, turned botak!!

As for chico.! being lucky for not having a haircut... she was celebrating the moment. (:

chic is infamous for mistaking herself as britney spears.

ps. for both glasses my bro put it on right after without knowing it was contaminated by the chico. lol at u bro (:


  1. LOLLLL.
    whoaaaa suki big difference wor!

  2. I don't understand why you guys do that to your dogs. -_-

  3. LoL why do that to your dog and your brother ?

  4. Oh did I forget to say .......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?!
