OMG. today was such a SUEI(damn unlucky)~ day!! it's the day when all things broke. lol. (:
woke up late for the school which i forgot i had!! arh! so lazy okay!! ): so was rushing and such.
who could have guessed! my school shoes broke ): so i had to go find plan B. wasn't hard. but still.
i love the shoe. why break leh!! ):
like i said. today was the day my things broke. not thing. but sss. Xp
so what's the other thing? my beloved Mc Donald cup phone accesory!! ): ):
THANK GOD FOR MAYZHEE. who saved it and picked it up before we left TOK class.! wa. TY THE MZ! (:
if she didn't i think munroe would be the one picking it up. and there goes. he'll think of me as damn weird especially after seeing chico in some space galsses as my moodle profile picture. O:
*yeah! chico's just hot like that ;p
that's not it. and i swear. all this happened in this. one, day. T.T
MY SCHOOL BAG!!! my school bag broke! cause i think the business textbook was just way too heavy
and for the bag, after a 3 weeks break. prob no stamina anymore ):
OH NO. now i need to go buy a school bag. school shoe. and fix my beloved mcd cup!! ):
*luckily i didn't break a hand or somein.;p
till next time, when i'm fixed.
taking a chill pill!
14 years ago
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