Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, to me! (:

JAN 06

today was probably the bested best best birthday.! (: no, no drinking la! haiyo ;p but i did spend it with the people i lovee!! (damn gay, but shush.)

went karaoke-ing at redbox curve. how asian right.? but. thats how i roll? O: was planning to rob the karaoke system for my home but failed. it seemed like it was a part of the wall.-.-" so now i need to go get myself the HOW TO ROB A WALL for dummies book. mm (:

ok. lets fast forward to the cake part! (u won't wanna listen to all the singing we did that day. ;p)
SO. cake time! wheee. ;p
check. this. cake. out.don't you think this cake is orgasmic, worth a boob sweet~~ (:

THANK YOU BU FOR THE orgasm-full CAKE!! (:

i could literally get high off that. sugar high ;p

went home after, and guess what.!! ANOTHER cake!! omg.~~ too much orgasm for the day!! T.T

it's been 2 days since my 17th bday. and both the cakes are still unfinshed in the refrigerator. pfft. too much for us to handle perhaps. ;p


I finally visited facebook yesterday. and oh gd. the many many many bday wishes on my wall! till a point that it seems so ugly cause everything looked like it was copied and pasted from the posts below. hmph! (:

PLUS. there were wishes from those people that are just...idk who distant. but me. being too nice. forcedmyself was please to reply all of them!! not copy and paste style sommore okay!! (:

nah!! to prove my kind-full-ness! :P

There you go. thats how my bday was. and the day after. (:

till next time ;p


  1. wahliao eh
    u actually seriously rpelied to all

    and the pics are so cute la. :D

  2. dude!! cause i formally thanked you already ma! ;p ME LOVE YOU LA no worries hahah. not even vincent can steal me away. O: O: O:


    Or maybe the last. Ah either way I'm happy weeeeeeee!

  4. OMG chee, i really thought that your cake was an actual bag that you got at a present. Haha! woahh, so nice! :) And of course you are nice. Hahaa, damn you commented back every single one of us. How kind! Happy birthday again! :)
