Wednesday, June 24, 2009

its not easy. to kiss the rain. (:

omg. im currently listening to "kiss the rain" by yiruma. i swear. before turning this song on. i was as happy as a lil girl that guy got a cookie. but now. i feel so crushed. like all the sorrows hidden within has became a part of my outer shell. and the worst part. i don't know why. or where these sorrows came from. i thought im a happy person right? but i guess. theres stuff in me. that i don't notice myself. ):

perhaps its the love that i have started taking for granted. the guilt that i've never felt before. perhaps i should stop. and take time to appreciate. who i never really appreciated enough.

perhaps it is simply time. man's strongest. and most profound enemy. as time takes away my youth from me. my childhood. into a world that childhood things are only dreams. while stress and sleepless nights becomes a part of my everyday life. omg. if i could. i wanna stop time. slow down each step i take as i walk the road to reality, through time.

or. could it be.? the weak self of mine. that admits all failures. all impossibilities. all disappointments. if so. how could i ever let it go? i'll just try to achieve as much as i can i guess. do as much as time allows me to. and bury all my failures. with sand of hope and possibilities. and not forgetting the roses on top. (:

so try listening to this song. maybe you'll feel the rush of sadness as well. and try to find out why. fix it. have a new beginning. a fresh one this time ;p

photoshoot. (i just can't take you

AHHH. since im in toronto now. and its like summer. i decided to go all out in summer style. okay not really all out. but hanged out with friends. IN THE SUN. yes outdoors. fkin outdoors. im as white as my toilet paper. and now im starting to become the colour of the leather of my sofa in the living room. OH NO. the next time i sit there. i'll be camouflaged!? lol. COME COME. HIDE AND SEEK :D don't get scared when u think u just saw eyes on the sofa ;p ;p

anywho.!! i went photoshooting. failed hardcore-ly tho. but i still wanna put up some photos onto facebook. perhaps an album? but ngeh. the photos are so bad. i decided to only show them to you. (yes you mayzhee. lol) so here are a few. oh oh. note. theres somein abt the person taking the picture. that made me feel that all this was a joke. lol. "i can't take you seriously" was the line of the day :D

ahhh. theres more! but too many. plus im too lazy to downsize it so blogger can easily upload it. pffft. (: yea. so heres some pics from the beach. (:

but i swear. this dude is pro at photography. check this shit out yo. (nael. im being black again.)

so nice right!! (: my god. prooves that pics are better without me in it. lol

another one! truthfully. its not just the camera. its the photoshop. lol

surprisingly. this IS toronto. lol. not that sucky now is it! ;P

this is actually the beach that i went to. obviously. the pic was created from
many types of the same picture. get it? Xp

so thats all... from the beach. and no! im not gonna upload more mayzhee :D

- i wish id stop being a bloat fish. ;p

crap on my mac.

seriously. have you ever had a laptop. that just doesnt allow you to do anything ur mum would most likely prohibit you from doing!? NO. don't think nasty now. i'm talking bout things like blogging...facebooking...webcamming. pffft. (:

MEET MY MAC. its so old. its called an iBook G4. f me.=.= seriously this mac is not even capable of running mozilla firefox. and you know macs without firefox. its literally SCREWED. yeap. damn right. screwed. i spent the whole of yesterday trying to figure out ways to improve my screwed mac. ): but obviously i failed. now im using my bro's lap top. he prob doesnt even want me using it. ):

what my mac cannot do.

1. Let me have video call. cause theres seems to be no. NO. external webcams that are compatible with my mac.

2. I couldnt even comment on kuan yu's blog. you know how hard it was for me to keep that "HAHAHA KY." in me.! omg. suicidal.

3. yes. i can't even blog. the layout of the webpage just doesnt work right. everything's messed up when i wanna put new entry. and i can't upload pictures too!!

4. FACEBOOK. i think its more of a necessity now adays. but yet. i cannot upload photo albums.=.=

5. EMAIL. holy shit. did i tell you my email has like 2000+ unread msgs. shoot me. my mac doesnt allow me to check my email as long as its a hotmail. -.-

the list goes on. but ur prob half asleep by now. (:

but taht doesnt stop me from blogging! not now that i have my bro's laptop as a hostage! hoho.

peace out~

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the plane that found its way to another world. O:

remember today. as the day i actually found time to update my blog! (:

with exams done and over with. i feel like a freed fish. moved from a small fish bowl to a bathtub (:

you might think i wanna now type a full paragraph bout my stressing life as an IB-er who doesnt even have much time to plan suicide. and how i probably F-ed all my exam papers. T.T but NO. i don't wanna think bout that anymore.

OMGOMG. how does a plan friggin disappear.!? flying over the atlantic ocean.. theres only two possible situations.

1. It crashed into a mirror to another world and broke it so it could move through it. and now it's probably still flying but in another effin world.!! OMG. so cool. T.T

2. But i guess with any cool thing.. there must be a sucky thing to counter it. so here goes. the plan probably. and perhaps some would say more realistically. drowned in the deep vast ocean of the atlantic.

the number 2 situation really sucks ass. why does it have to be the realistic one T.T imagine now... a plane with 200 + people... probably NEVER gonna be found as it is buried. BURIED. under water. (even i as a fish in the bathtub can't imagine anything existing beyond the thousands of meters of water...)

for those who still dont feel enough sadness after reading this... i guess you guys arent word people. more visual eh?

AHHH. okay i stop this... T.T just... wish all the relatives and friends of the victim be blessed. T.T like i said.. they prob found their way to a cooler world.